Alison Whateley

Alison is a contemporary textile artist working from her studio just outside Exeter in Devon.

With no formal training, she discovered free motion machine embroidery in 2012 and was soon experimenting with the technique. Drawn to creating textile art, her work has evolved over time to the detailed pieces she produces today.

Inspired by the coast and countryside around her, she now creates impressionistic landscapes, seascapes and botanical art in a painterly style, as well as abstract and semi abstract pieces using a mixture of free-motion machine embroidery and hand stitching.

Although primarily made from textiles, which are up-cycled where possible, she also incorporates mixed media such as buttons, beads, rusty nails and washers to add texture and character to her pieces. Her seascapes often include beach-combing finds such as shells and driftwood.

Alison is a member of the Society for Embroidered work and the Devon Artist Network.

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