Joan E. Moncrieffe (Prowse)
Joan E. Moncrieffe B.A.(Prowse) is a professional artist designer maker, and works in many different media, watercolour pencil, pastel, wool, metal, and wood to mention a few. She specialises in needle felting, wildlife illustration and three-dimensional creations. Her wool work is heavily influenced by her Christian faith. She gained her degree in three dimensional design specialising as a furniture designer/maker. Throughout her life she has worked primarily in illustration, has had collections of her work published, and continues to produce pieces for private collections in and around Britain and Europe. Having worked as an artist in France for three years, she returned to Devon where she now undertakes private commission work and gives needle felting tuition both as an optional extra at Bicton college, and independently. She is a member of the Devon Artist Network, the IFA and fAB, and exhibits at various events, giving talks and demonstrations to groups as well as individual tuition if required. “I am inspired by the beauty in the creation I see around me. My aim is to bless and encourage others on their own journey, and to inspire them, through my work, to have a deeper relationship with the ultimate Creator