Becky Pascoe
Becky Pascoe
I studied Fine Art at Bristol University and then went on to do a Post Graduate in Education. I have been teaching for 35 years.I come from an art saturated background. My father was Head of Fine Art and was a well known Sculptor in the South West of England, he was also Vice President at the Royal West of England Academy, where I regularly exhibited my work. My father Ernest Pascoe was commissioned to do many very high profile bronze busts , David Frost, Sebastian Coe and two American Presidents, Kennedy and Nixon and many more well known people. He also has much work in Bristol and the Bristol Museum. We would often have artists staying with us and I have been hugely influenced by the late, great Cornish painter Patrick Heron. We used to write letters to each other about our art and he would often refer to ‘that magical place where colours meet’. I still have all the letters to this day which include thumbnail sketches of paintings he was working on. He had one of my paintings in his studio at Eagles Nest in Zenor, Cornwall. Art is in my blood.
Contact Details
Tel: 07775634979